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The collection of Pavel Kohout is an extraordinary set of materials documenting a transformation of the author's personality from a prominent literary into a representative of the cultural opposition engaging in the Charter 77 and then being in exile.

Pavel Tigrid (1917-2003), also known by the name Pavel Schönfeld, was a Czech writer, journalist and politician, one of the most prominent representatives of Czechoslovakian anti-Communist exile. After the Velvet Revolution, he was an advisor to President Vaclav Havel and Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic.

The periodical Auseklis (Morning Star) was a samizdat magazine published in 1987-1988 by the human rights group Helsinki-86, and was the first independent periodical in Soviet Latvia. It was distributed by volunteers outside official distribution networks.

The Polish Underground Library was set up in 2009 in collaboration with the The Karta Center Foundation in Warsaw. It is comprised of Polish underground and exile publications, Polish flyers, posters, sound and visual recordings that are part of the Libri Prohibiti’s collections.