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Exhibition: Road Through Poland

"Road through Poland" is an exhibition that links the photographic series from 1970s with pictures taken after 1989. It shows the everyday life of average citizens from peripheral towns, villages and state farms. It includes over 180 photographs taken throughout the 1970s - 90s by over 30 artists and it was shown in several Polish towns (Kielce, Warszawa, Elbląg, Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski) in 2008-14.


Beginn des Ereignisses

  • 2008


AutorIn des Eintrags

  • Gospodarczyk, Hanna


Anderman, Hanna, interview by Gospodarczyk, Hanna , October 10, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2017-06-29 16:24:16