Ronduda, Łukasz
Art historian, culture scholar, curator and film director.
The initiator and the head of the project of Filmoteka of Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. Associate professor at SWPS University of Social Studies and Humanities in Warsaw.
He studied history of art and cultural studies at the University of Łódź.
His doctorate thesis, titled Subversive Strategies in the Media Arts, under the supervision of prof. Ryszard Kluszczyński, was published in 2006. He worked at the Museum of Art in Łódź, and later at the Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw. There he began his studies on the Polish avant-garde of 1970s, which concluded with the publication of Polish Art of the 70s jointly with the artist Piotr Uklański.
Curator of numerous exhibitions, i.a. “Niezwykle rzadkie zdarzenia” (Extremely rare events) at the Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw in 2009, the 2006 “Analogue: Polish video art from the 70s and 80s” at Tate Modern in London, “1,2,3… Awangarda” in 2008 also at Tate, as well as “Operators exercises: Open Form Film and Architecture” at Columbia University in New York in 2010.
Co-author of the 2009 artistic Manifest Neoawangardy. Nowa Autonomia Sztuki (Neo-avant-garde manifesto. The New autonomy of art). He finished the Development Lab directing course at Wajda School, working on an experimental Perfomer film, dedicated to a Polish artist Oskar Dawicki. His second picture Heart of love tells a story of the relationship between a musician and audioperformer Wojciech Bąkowski, and a multimedia artist Zuzanna Bartoszek.
Rolle des Interessensvertreters/Teilhabers
2018-03-19 15:48:44