The controversial edition of "Vidici" (No. 152) was published in fall of 1971 and was immediately banned by the party’s censorship organs. The problem with this issue of “Vidici“, which was the so-called “Nazi” issue, was that it was fully devoted to the politics, law, media and culture of the Third Reich (R. Vucetic, 2016, 354). The idea of Lazar Stojanovic, who edited the text as a kind of provocation, has been to show similarities between the two totalitarian regimes through a sort of satire. Through the manner in which photos, postage stamps and other propaganda material from the Nazi era were used he noted the similarity in terms of propaganda practices employed in the two states and political systems. The selected material emphasized the similarity of patterns used for manipulating the masses and the way in which political movements and other cults are created. "Goebbel’s propaganda was presented as preferred - let's say that Hitler is showing how he caresses a child, opens up factory, looking foresight into a bright future, walks the dog ... On the frontpage of that edition, Vidiči had a huge postage stamp with Hitler's profile. In Yugoslavia we used the same, only with another character’s image. I have been selecting these photographs very carefully, so that the allusion is clear: I compared them with similarities from my own country. " ("Lazar Stojanovic - Interview" Peščanik. Accessed May 3, 2017
Since the whole issue was abundant with Nazi symbols, it was not difficult to find a basis for banning it. Lazar Stojanovic, the editor of this issue, was arrested, but the court dropped the criminal prosecution. At first glance, a provisional prohibition of the shipment to the District Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade was announced. Shortly afterwards, the Supreme Court of Serbia made the decision on a permanent ban of this issue. The court's ban on this issue has remained until today, so that this edition is still unavailable to researchers. (S. Popovic, 2003, 136).
Previous banned issues of "Vidici" include no. 121-122, as it contained articles about the events of June 1968. Moreover, issue No. 142-143 from 1970 was prohibited because it had descriptions of the student’s revolts and the text: “Are we going towards the revival of Stalinism”.