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Milovan Đilas Collection

Milovan Djilas Papers, box 28 at the Hoover Institution Archives & Library



  • Englisch
  • Kroatisch
  • Serbisch

Name der Sammlung

  • Milovan Djilas papers

Sammlungsgeschichte und kulturelle Aktivitäten



  • Manuskripte (Ego-Dokumente, Tagebücher, Notizen, Briefe, Skizzen, etc.): 1000-
  • Publikationen: 1000-

Interessensvertreter/Teilhaber der Sammlung

  • Patton, Sarah

Geographische Reichweite der Sammlung

  • international




  • öffentlich zugänglich

AutorIn des Eintrags

  • Kljaić, Stipe


Banac, Ivo. 2009. “Hrvatski djilasovci” (Djilas's supporters in Croatia). In Desničini susreti 2009. Zbornik Radova, edited by Drago Roksandić, Magdalena Najbar-Agičić, Ivana Cvijović Javorina, 19-27. Zagreb: FF press.

Đilas, Milovan. 1957. The New Class – An Analysis of the Communist System. New York: Frederick A. Praeger.

Đilas, Milovan. 1958. Land without Justice. New York: Harcourt and Brace Jovanovich.

Đilas, Milovan. 1961. Conversations with Stalin. New York: Harcourt and Brace Jovanovich.

Đilas, Milovan. 1963. Montenegro. New York: Harcourt and Brace Jovanovich.

Đilas Milovan. 1966. Njegos –Poet-Prince-Bishop. New York: Harcourt and Brace Jovanovich.

Đilas Milovan. 1969. The Unperfect Society. New York: Harcourt and Brace Jovanovich.

Đilas, Milovan. 1984. Of Prisons and Ideas. London: Kolašinska liga za ljudska prava.

Đilas, Milovan. 1990. Druženje s Titom (Convesations with Tito). Belgrade: Screen.

Đilas, Milovan. 2009. Vlast i pobnua (Power and rebellion). Zagreb: Novi liber, 2009.

Kalezić, Vasilije. 1988. Djilas, miljenik i otpadnik komunizma – Kontroverze pisca i ideologa (Djilas: Favourite and Heretic of the Communism – Contoversies of a Writer and an Ideologue), (Re-issue). Belgrade: Zodne.

Lasić, Stanko. 1970. Sukob na književnoj ljevici (The Conflict on the Literary Left) (1928.-1952.), Vol. 2. Zagreb: Liber.

Tošić, Desimir. 2003. Ko je Milovan Đilas? Disidenstvo (1953-1995) (Who is MIlovan Djilas? Dissidence). Belgrade: Bookbridge.

Patton, Sarah, interview by Kljaić, Stipe , December 12, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-01-07 13:44:25