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Cornel Irimie - Fondul de la Muzeul ASTRA Sibiu

The Cornel Irimie Collection illustrates how ethnographers managed to negotiate the autonomy of their research activity with the communist state institutions and to conduct ethnographic research in contradiction with some of the official cultural policies. The collection includes more than 300 files of personal documents, student notes, field research notes and reports, drafts of academic works, acquisition reports, and exhibition drafts.



  • Deutsch
  • Rumänisch

Name der Sammlung

  • Cornel Irimie Collection

Sammlungsgeschichte und kulturelle Aktivitäten



  • Manuskripte (Ego-Dokumente, Tagebücher, Notizen, Briefe, Skizzen, etc.): 100-499


Geographische Reichweite der Sammlung

  • regional



  • 1937



  • öffentlich zugänglich


AutorIn des Eintrags

  • Petrescu, Cristina
  • Pintilescu, Corneliu


Diaconu, Marin. 2000. Şcoala sociologică a lui Dimitrie Gusti: Documentar sociologic (The Dimitrie Gusti school of sociology: Documentation). Bucharest: Editura Eminescu.
Maior, Carmina. 2003. “Fondul Arhivistic Dr. Cornel Irimie – o sursă pentru portretul unui intelectual” (The Dr Cornel Irimie Archive Fonds: A source for the portrait of an intellectual). In Cornel Irimie. O viaţă închinată satului românesc şi civilizaţiei sale (Cornel Irimie: A life dedicated to the Romanian village and its civilisation), edited by Cornel Bucur, 222–231. Sibiu: ASTRA Museum.
Niţulescu, Virgil Ştefan. 2014. “ASTRA – un muzeu model” (ASTRA: A model museum). Revista Cultura, March. Accessed May 12, 2017.
Petrescu, Dragoș. 2009. “Building the Nation, Instrumentalizing Nationalism: Revisiting Romanian National-Communism, 1956-1989,” Nationalities Papers 37, 4: 523-544.
Rostás, Zoltán. 2011. “The Second Marginalisation of the Bucharest Sociological School.” Acum 5, 1: 69–80.
Vasile, Cristian. 2014. Viaţa intelectuală şi artistică în primul deceniu al regimului Ceauşescu, 1965–1974 (Artistic and cultural life in the first decade of the Ceauşescu regime, 1965–1974). Bucharest: Humanitas.


Irimie, Radu Nicolae , interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, June 16, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

Robu, Lucian Nicolae , interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, April 27, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2019-01-08 18:01:20